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Reaching rock bottom, what does it do to the body?

Written by on 19 January 2023

Reaching rock bottom, what does it do to the body? Thinking the movement by and from the butt, this performance invites the audience to explore the depth of their interiority. A desire to tell one-self through humiliation, to make the bottom of the barrel a space of connection. A movement performance that forms an intestine with the gut feelings of Emile Pineault and Gabriel Cholette.

How do we conjugate choreography and text? How does the language of the body meet the one of the mind? After working for two years on choreographic material, I thought of making ‘rock bottom’ a solo show on stage, but with the voice of Gabriel featured in filigree, like the echo of past hookups and personal encounters. It created something unique that I’m excited for everyone to discover.” – Emile Pineault

In this first collaboration between dancer and choreographer Emile Pineault and author of Scenes from the UndergroundGabriel Choletterock bottom combines text, dance and performance to explore the concept of bottomness as it pertains to sexuality and hitting the bottom of the barrel. This performance of self discovery is motivated by a desire to emancipate oneself, to explore the liberation that follows after hitting rock bottom. From intestine to anus, rock bottom is rooted in vulnerable choreography that explores our own interiority and the gut feelings that emerge from within.

rock bottom, by Emile Pineault and Gabriel Cholette
A Sensual and Sensory Interdisciplinary Performance that Enters the Body to Explore Hitting Rock Bottom as a Place of Fruition and Emancipation

25 to 28 january at MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels)

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